Friday, November 16, 2012

CCSS 3º Global Exam Review – Minimum Contents

Unit 1
Time Zones: why they exist, how they’re measured, how to calculate hours between
Layers of the Earth
The Earth´s Relief (Continental and Oceanic)
-Part 8: Continents p.22: Identify: Oceans: all
Seas: Caribbean, Mediterranean, Coral, North, Red, Black, Caspian, Arabian,
Mountains: Ural, Atlas, Alps, Apennines, Caucasus, Himalayas, Andes, Rocky Mountains
Islands: British Isles, New Zealand, Falkland Islands, Japanese Archipelago, Iceland, Cyprus, Taiwan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tasmania
Rivers: Amazon, Mississippi, Rhine, Nile, Danube, Hwang-Ho, Yangtze
Peninsulas: Korean, Indochinese, Californian, Anatolian, Scandinavian, Yucatán
AND: Cape of Good Hope, Magellan Straight, Cook Straight, Bering Straight, Bay of Bengal, Hudson Bay, Persian Gulf

Unit 10
-Democratic States: characteristics (p.166)
-Vocabulary (p.166-169 and power point): national sovereignty, suffrage, head of state, monarchy, judicial power, legislative power, executive power, referendum, bill, statute of autonomy, court of audit, communities of chartered regime, parliamentary monarchy, motion of censure, state ombudsperson
-Freedoms of individuals: of assembly, of association, of expression, to private property, to life, to education (p.170 and 168)
-Roles and Compositions of Congress of Deputies, Senate and Government (p.168-9)

Unit 2
-geographical location of the Kingdom of Spain
-“plazas de soberanía”
-IDENTIFY ON A MAP: The Meseta , The Sistema Central, The Montes de Toledo, the Macizo Galaico-Leonés Mountains, the Cordillera Cantábrica,  the Sistema Ibérico, the Sierra Morena, the Ebro Depression, The Guadalquivir Depression, the Montes Vascos, the Cordilleras Costero-Catalanas, the Sistemas Béticos (Cordilleras Subbética and Penibetica).
AND: RIVERS: Ebro, Nervión, Tambre, Guadalquivir, Tajo, Miño, Guadiana, Júcar, Llobregat, Ter (p.34)
-Chart of Spain’s Climate Types (top of p.36)