Friday, October 25, 2013

CCSS1 Project for Units 7 and 8

1ÂșESO Project for Units 7 and 8
Please work with a partner to find extra information from the internet about any combination of topics that interest you from units 7 and 8 in Spain (The Stone Age and the Metal Age, p.118 and130).

Write a report on what you found, including some images. 

You have two choices to present your work: 
a) you can make a 4-5 page report including the images with the text, or 
b) you can make a 3 page report of only text and make a poster separately for the images.

At the end of the report, please include the information you found and printed from the internet.  Please write the website you got it from on the top of each page.

Your grade will be out of 100 points total:
20 points for having all the components complete
50 points for the quality of your work (your information and the summary you make of it)
10 points for presentation
20 points for your English

If your work is late, you will lose 20 points for each day it is late.
Plagiarism will result in a score of “0” and a blue discipline form. Please summarize in your own words.

Your work is due Wednesday, October 30th at 9:20am

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