Monday, February 2, 2015

CCSS2 Unit 8 Activity: Map of the Repopulation Mehods following the Reconquista

You must create a map of the Iberian Peninsula that contains iformation about the five different methods of repopulation: 
1.     “Presuras”
2.     The Charter or “fuero” System
3.     Military Orders
4.     Capitulations
5.     “Repartimientos”

First, trace the outline of the map of the Iberian Peninsula on p. 230. You do not need to include the provinces, cities and other features inside.
Next, you must draw in the different methods of repopulation according to the power point photocopies AND the book.  Tip: The powerpoint has a good map of all of the methods except Capitulations, which you´ll have to draw in using the map on p.148.

  The final map should be 2 pages: one of the map and another showing the explanations in one sentence each.

Here is are the power point slides with the information you need:

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