Monday, October 29, 2012

CCSS3 Unit 2: The Physical Landscape of Spain

Part 1: Geographial Location of Spain
-Largest part of Iberian Peninsula
-Balearic Archipelago
-Canary Archipelago
-Cities of Ceuta and Melilla and small isles in N. Africa:
 “plazas de soberanía” 
(literally "places of sovereignty") are the current Spanish sovereign territories in continental North Africa bordering Morocco. The name refers to the fact that these territories have been a part of Spain since the formation of the modern Spanish State (1492-1556), to distinguish them from 19th and 20th Century colonialism.

Part 2: Relief
-High average elevation (66om) b/c of mountain ranges + platuea (Meseta)

The Meseta= high+flat w/2 mountain ranges:
1. Sistema Central = Submeseta norte + submeseta sur
2. Montes de Toledo = Tajo River Basin + Guadiana River Basin

Edges of the Meseta
1. Macizo Galaico-Leonés mts. = rounded + low
2. Cordorillera Cantábrica = parallel to sea
3. Sistema Ibérico = not a complete block
4. Sierra Morena separated Meseta + south, low

1. Ebro – arid b/c isolated from Mediterranean
2. Guadalquivir – vast, triangular plain; exposed to Atlantic influence

Exterior Mountain Ranges
1. Montes Vascos – steep
2. Pyrenees = high central zone+ 2 parallel lower mountain ranges
3. Cordilleras Costero-Catalanas = 2 mt. ranges parallel to Mediterranean
4. Sistemas Béticos= Cordillera Penibética + Cordillera Subbética

Island Relief p. 32
1. Balearic Archipelago – Menorca, Mallorca, Ibiza, Formentera. All except Menorca are continuation of Sistemas Béticos. Sierra de Tramontana (Mallorca)
2. Canary Archipelago – Volcanic relief, Teide on Tenerife = highest pt. in Spain

The Coasts
-Rocky + Steep = Cantabrian + N.E. Atlantic Coasts
-Sandy beaches + rocky parts = Mediterranean, Balaeric Islands + S.E. Atlantic
-Volcanic cliffs + some beaches = Canary Islands

Part 3: Rivers and Lakes p. 34
-Flow pattern affected by climate + relief
3 Catchment Areas:
1. Cantabrian Sea: short b/c their sources are in mountains near coast. Lots of constant precipitation = fast, regular flow
2. Mediterranean sea: xept Ebro, short w/irregular flow, esp. in summer. Can increase w/torrential rains in autumn
3. Atlantic Ocean: Galician rivers have high, regular flow. Others long w/many tributaries, irregular flow b/c of scarce rain

Part 4: Climate and Vegetation p. 36 +
Part 5: Natural Landscapes p.37

1. Maritime: N/NW Peninsula
mild winter/cool summer, reg. abundant rain all year
deciduous forests, moors, grassland
2. Mediterranean Coastal: S+E Peninsula + Balearic Islands
mild winter/hot summer, scarce rain
Mediterranean forest, scrubland, steppe

3. Mediterranean Inland: interior Peninsula
cold winter/hot summer, scarce rain
holm oak (encina), bushes like thyme (tomillo), rosemary (romero), lavender (lavanda)

4. Sub-tropical: Canary Islands
warm winter/summer, irregular, scarce rain
laurasilva forests in humid zones, cardoons (cardo), pitas (agave)+ prickly pear (higo chumbo) in arid zones

5. Alpine: mountain areas
cold winter/summer + abundant rain + snow
vegetation changes w/altitude

Part 6: Protected Spaces p.38
à places where no activity is allowed that could have negative effects on the natural environment
-Ex. National Park (Picos de Europa, 1918)

Part 7: Natural Resources p.40
Natural resource = something from nature useful for humans
1. Relief: plains = settlement, coast/mountains = tourism
2. Soil: quality is low so it must be cultivated in special ways
3. Climate: good for human settlement, agriculture, livestock farming; sun + low precipitation = tourism; lots of sunshine + wind = wind + solar energy
4. Water: limited + essential for agriculture + industry; long dry season in many spots
5. Vegetation: forests give us raw materials + tourism
6. The Sea: transport + tourism; desalination = can be used for human consumption/agriculture/industry.

TheMeseta , The Sistema Central, The Montes de Toledo, the Macizo Galaico-Leonés Mountains, the Cordillera Cantábrica,  the Sistema Ibérico, the Sierra Morena, the Ebro Depression, The Guadalquivir Depression, the Montes Vascos, the Cordilleras Costero-Catalanas, the Sistemas Béticos.

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