Tuesday, December 9, 2014

CCSS3 Economies Chart

Who owns the means of production?
Private people (investors)
The owners of private companies, or, in the case of public works, the state.
The state
The whole community without the state
Who get the extra profit?
Private people who own the means of production (the investors)
The owners of private companies, or, in the case of public works, the state.
The workers
The whole community
How involved is the state in the economy?
It doesn´t get involved in the economy at all.
It sometimes intervenes in the economy.
Totally involved (it is the only actor)
There is no state. It naturally ceases to exist because there is no need for it.
Who makes schools, roads, firemen, police, armies, etc.?
Private people (investors)
The state and sometimes private investors
The state
The whole community

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