Friday, May 24, 2013

CCSS3 Global Exam 3rd Evaluation Minimum Contents

Unit 1
Time zones

Unit 10
Division of powers. Structure of government (central and autonomous communities). Formula for Senate representation. 

Unit 3
Evolution and distribution of global population. Natural population change (BR, DR, NI, RNI). Population movement (regular and migration: immigration and emigration). Population structure by age, sex and economic activity. The population of Spain (distribution, natural population change, migration, population structure).

Unit 4
Settlement (rural and urban, in general and in Spain). Urban hierarchy and urban network. Metropolitan areas, cornurbations, and megalopolises. Analysis of cities (site, plan, urban constructions, zones). Urban problems and their corresponding solutions. Changes in rural and urban settlement in Spain. 

Unit 5
Planned obsolescence. Perceived obsolescence.  Goods, products and services. Factors of production. Types of economic systems. Market economies and supply and demand. Economic agents. The labor market and globalization of the economy.

Unit 6
Primary sector. Crop agriculture. Livestock farming. Forest exploitation. Fishing. Environmental consequences.  

Unit 7
The secondary sector: factors of industrial production renewable and non-renewable energy. Raw materials. Human resources. Capital. Types of industry (heavy, capital goods, consumer goods). Industrial space. Main industrial areas in the world. Environmental consequences.

Unit 8
The tertiary sector: classification of services. Trade. Foreign trade. Transport. Air transport. Tourism. Media. Impact of the tertiary sector.

Unit 9
Spain’s economy. Agricultrue, industry and services. Environmental consequences.

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