Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CCSS3 Unit 4: Settlement

CCSS3 Unit 4: Settlement p.59
Part 1: Settlement p.60
=action of ppl. establishing themselves in an area
-rural = villages/isolated country houses, few inhabitants, farming/agricultural economy, limited services
-urban = city, many inhabitants, industry/trade/transport economy, lots of services

Part 2: Rural Settlement
->50% of world pop. = rural nuclei , going down
-3 types of rural settlement:
1. Dispersed: Pop. lives in separate houses, farms, hamlets scattered through countryside
2. Nucleated – villages
3. Interspersed – isolated buildings between villages
-3 types of villages:
1. Linear- houses on both sides of transport link
2. nucleated – houses built around central point
3. radial – houses are concentrated around central point streets radiate from

Part 3: Urban Settlement p.62
=concentration of ppl. in cities

3.1 Functions of Cities
-In Europe/America/Oceania, pop. in towns/cities > 70%
-In Africa/Asia < 40%
-large urban nuclei:
1. metropolitan areas: urban zone w/main city (w/administration)+ other smaller urban nuclei nearby.
2. conurbation: large, almost continuous urban area of 2+ neighboring cities joining but maintaining gov’t independence
3. megalopolis: very large urban area of several conurbations joined

3.2 Urban Hierarchy
= the organization of cities in ranks/categories based on its size, extension of sphere of influence (worldwise, national, regional, county, district)
-several urban nuclei, ranked + interconnected = urban network

3.3 Analysis of Cities p. 63

Site: where? On a hill, in a valley, river, island etc.
Situation: Where in relation to other things? Center of county, coast, at intersecting point

-urban plan = graphic representation of distribution of built-up areas + open spaces of a city.
3 kinds:
1. Orthogonal Plan: (grid, checkerboard) straight, wide streets crossing at right angles
2. Radiocentric: cenral point + wheel spokes
3. Irregular: no defined geometric shapes; short, narrow streets, irregular alleys

Urban Construction – kinds of buildings
1. Old – historic/artistic value - houses, palaces, churches, town halls, hospitals, universities
2. Building blocks – several floors, skyscrapers, offices, shopping centers, apts
3. single family homes – detached, semi-detached (duplex) , terraced (row) on 1 or 2 floors. Normally medium-high standard of living, garden, at city outskirts
4. Shacks/shanties – houses built w/scraps, chabolas/favelas

3.4 Structure of Cities
-zones = labeled according to main function, but all have several functions + can change over time
1. Center: Central Business District (CBD) w/office, head offices of banks, big shops, establishments for leisure (cinema, theatre), historic center
2. Residential Areas: Neighborhoods of single-family homes or blocks of flats
3. Industrial Areas: used to be near rails/ports, now on outskirts in industrial parks
4. Green zones: mostly plants, few buildings; public parks, gardens, outskirts
5. Suburban Areas: Previously rural areas that became urban b/c of urban growth. Have services/industry/dormitory towns + residential neighborhoods

Part 4: Urban Problems and Solutions p.68
1. Gases from heating + traffic
2. air + noise pollution from traffic
3. waste
1. public transport
2. restrict use of heating
3. promoting non-contaminating energy
4. putting industrial facilities outside cities
5. sound barriers
6. waste collection
7. special waste disposal plants for toxic/dangerous waste
8. recycling

1.water + energy needs
2. cities need green zones
1. construct nec. Infrastructure for sufficient amounts of good water (sewage treatment plants etc.)
2. Energy supply infrastructure (electric substations + supply networks)
3. construction of public parks/gardens

1.traffic (rush hour)
2. air pollution from traffic
1. construct ring roads encircling cities so drivers can go around, not through, city centers
2. promote public transport + bikes

Part 5: Settlement in Spain p.70
-78.6% of settlement is urban

5.1 Rural Settlement
-Hamlets/caseríos (farm houses) in North Pen.
-Nucleated Settlement predominates rural zones
            -small, close villages – Duero + Ebro depressions
            -bigger, farther apart – S. Pen., Mediterranean area + Balearic Is.
            -In mountain areas/interior – after rural exodus are revitalized b/c of rural tourism + immigration
            -Coastal villages were for fishing à now tourism
            -villages near big cities get an  urban function, have become part of metropolitan area

5.2 Urban Settlement p.71

-In the last few decades…
            -Big metropolitan areas are consolidated
            - The main cities of those areas have lost inhabitants
- nearby nuclei have grown
            -urban development plans control growth
            - restoration of historic centers/ensanches/slums
            -modernization projects to improve image

-Most Spanish cities have:
In the city center:
            -Historic city center
            -Residential neighborhoods/ensanches: luxury homes, offices, shops

            -former working class zones are redeveloped
-In the periphery:
            -residential areas w/single family homes
            -industrial areas near main city access routes
            -service areas w/hypermarkets + leisure centers

-The Spanish urban network
            -most large/medium cities on coast
            - dominated by metropolitan areas of Madrid + Barcel

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