Friday, May 24, 2013

CCSS1 Global Exam 3rd Evaluation Minimum Contents

Unit 7: The Stone Age
Paleolithic period: nomadic, hunter-gatherers (predators), dwellings, realistic cave art
Neolithic revolution: Farming (agriculture and livestock) and a sedentary lifestyle
Unit 8: The Metal Age
Copper, Bronze and Iron ages. Metallurgy for weapons and tools. Megaliths (dolmen, cromlech, alignment, menhir)
Unit 9, first half: Mesopotamia
Different Tigris and Euphrates river civilizations (Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Neo-Babylonians). Society. Religion. Ziggurats.
Unit 9, second half: Ancient Egypt
Nile periodic flooding and its importance. Periods of Egyptian history. Economy. Society. Religion. Pyramids, temples, mastabas, hypogea.
Unit 10: Ancient Greece
Geography. Metal Age, Archaic Age, Classical Age, Hellenistic Age. Society. Religion. Military conflicts.

Unit 11: Ancient Rome
Natural environment. History: origins, monarchy, republic, empire, fall. Economy. Society: patricians, plebians, slaves, tenant farmers, women. Cities: important streets, forum, homes. Religion: Roman gods and deities, the spread of Christianity (Edict of Milan and Theodosius’ proclamation of Christianity as the official religion). Architecture: types of building (p.192-3).

Unit 1: Planet Earth
Parts of the Earth. Movements (rotation and revolution). Seasons (equinoxes and solstices). Lines and geographic coordinates. Time zones. Different projections. Map scales.

Unit 2: Relief
Earth’s layers. Continents and oceans. Land and oceanic reliefs. Continental waters. Coastal Relief. Natural hazards (earthquakes and volcanos).

Unit 3: Climate and Living Things
Layers of the atmosphere. Weather vs. climate. Elements of climate (precipitation, atmospheric pressure and wind). The Earth’s climates and climate zones. The natural environment (animal adaptations, soils). Atmospheric phenomena and natural hazards.

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