Friday, May 24, 2013

CCSS2 Global Exam 3rd Evaluation Minimum Contents

Unit 4 The Byzantine and Carolingian Empires
395 Theodosius divided the Roman Empire into East and West
East  EREà The Byzantine Empire (until 1453 fell to the Ottoman Turks)
Latifundia, Strategoi, Themes, Hagia Sophia, Emperor Justinian
West - WRE - 476 fell to Barbarian tribes - Carolingian Empire (Charlemagne)

Unit 5 Islam and Al-Andalus
Caliphates and dynasties. Architectural features (p.89). Berbers. Taifas.

Unit 6 Feudal Europe
The feudal system. Parts of a fief. Expenses that peasants had to pay. Romanesque architecture p.117.

Unit 7 Cities in Medieval Europe
Advances in agricultural technology. Political transformation (parliaments). Societal changes because of urbanization (bourgeoisie). Political organization in the cities (city councils and magisters). Crafts and guilds. Trade fairs, moneychangers and the appearance of bankers.  Gothic architecture p.136-137. Differences between Gothic and Romanesque architecture. 14th century crises and period of recovery.

Unit 8 The Christian Kingdoms
The development of the Christian kingdoms (León/Asturias, Castilla, Navarra and Aragón) p.146. The Reconquest. Repopulation strategies.  Political organization (the cortes) in the different Christian kingdoms. The Mesta. Society (coexistence of 3 cultures). Toledo School of Translators. Persecution of the Jews (1391 attacks).

Unit 9 The Early Modern Period
The modern state. Economy. Society. Thought (humanism, the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation). Renaissance Architecture and art. Early Modern Period in Spain: The Catholic Monarchs, Carlos I and Felipe II. Economy and Society. Architecture (3 types), sculpture  and painting (el Greco). Discovery and conquest of America.

Unit 10 Baroque Europe
Absolute Monarchs (Louis XIV). The English Civil War and Glorious Revolution. The Thirty Years War. Economy and society. Culture, architecture and art.

Unit 2 Contemporary Societies
The organization of societies. Diversity. Types of Societies. Discrimination. Cultures and societies around the world, especially in Europe and Spain. Inequality in Western Society. Society and the State. Supranational Organizations (EU and UN).

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