Thursday, October 30, 2014

CCSS3 Unit 10 Questions on Territorial Organization of Spain

1. Did the 1978 Constitution establish a centralized or a decentralized state? What does that mean?
2. What right of the nationalities and regions is recognized in the second article of the Constitution?
3. Who decided the number and names of the Autonomic Communities?
4. During what years did the territorial organization take place?
5. What is a Statute of Autonomy? What information does it include?
6. What structure does the structure of the Autonomic Communities mimic?
7. Who holds legislative power in the Autonomic Communities?
8. Who has executive power?
9. Who has judicial power?
10.  Which community has full fiscal autonomy? What is this special status called?
11. Which community has diputaciones forales? What do you think that means?
12. What are the “Communities of Common”?
13. Which three communities have their own police force? What are they called?
14. Can Ceuta and Melilla pass laws? Can they introduce legislation into Parliament?
15. What are municipalities? Who governs them?
16. What services do they provide citizens with?
17. What are provinces? Who governs them? Who elects those people?
18. What is the function of the provinces?
19. What are comarcas?
20. What are mancomunidades?
21. What are parishes?

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