Wednesday, January 28, 2015

CCSS3 Unit 12 The European Union short power point and 16 questions

Here is the power point:

Here are the questions you had to answer:

1. What was the year of first treaty that lead to the establishment of the  EU?
2. What were the main objectives of the Treaty of Rome? What year was it?
3. When was the Maastricht treaty? What did it create?  What werer the three pillars that it established?
4. When was the Treaty of Lisbon? What did it do?
5. When did Spain join the EU?
6. What was the last country to join?
7. Which institution directly represents EU citizens?
8. What do the EU Courts of Justice do?
9. What does the EU Court of Auditors do?
10. When was the Euro created?
11. What is the Common Agricultural Policy?
12. What is the Common Fisheries Policy?
13. What is the European Energy Policy?
14. Why does the EU give member countries Structural Funds? Give three examples.
15. To whom does the EU EU give member countries Cohesion Funds? What are they for?
16. What countries received Cohesion funds in the period 2000-2006? How much did they get? Who got the most?

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