Friday, March 20, 2015

CCSS2 Unit 9 Questions p.165-166 and 168

Sorry about the funky numbering!

15.    Define “Humanism.”  An intellectual movement inspired by the Classical Age that used reason to explain reality and considered human beings to be the center of the universe.
16.    What was the Reformation? A religious movement begun in Germany by Martin Luther in the 16th century as a result of corruption in the Church. It led to the split between Catholics and Protestants.
17.  What was the Renaissance? An artistic style of the 15th and 16th century inspired by the Classical Age (Greece and Rome). 
18.    What event marked the beginning of the Modern Period? The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.
19.    In what four ways did kings manage to control  feudal lords? 1.The creation of permanent armies, 2. establishing common laws in all the territories, 3. the organization of an administration of government officials who worked for the monarch, 4. the development of diplomacy to defend the monarch´s interests abroad.
20.    What were the first four authoritarian monarchies in Europe? Spain, Portugal, England and France.
21.    By how much did the population of Europe increase in the 16th century? 20 million
22.    How did things change for the nobility and the clergy in the Modern Age? They lost political power.
23.    In what areas did serfs obtain their freedom? Western Europe
24.  In what areas did they remain serfs? Eastern Europe
25.  How did the kings use the high bourgeoisie? to counter the power of the nobles
26.  Why did the high bourgeoisie buy land? to gain social prestige
27.  Who was in the petite bourgeoisie? crafworkers and modest merchants
28.  What did they get into conflicts about with the high bourgeoisie? over their participation in city governments

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