Thursday, March 5, 2015

CCSS3 Unit 9, Film Activity: The Spanish economic crisis: 'Yo Invito - ¿Dónde está mi dinero?'

The Spanish economic crisis: 'Yo Invito - ¿Dónde está mi dinero?'
(Gold Money News)

Answer the question.

1.       What percentage of the money we have deposited in the bank is really there physically? 

Define the words in English and write their Spanish translation.
1.       Mortgage
2.       Savings
3.       Loans
4.       To lend
5.       Interest rate
6.       Current account
7.       Borrowed
8.       Debt
9.       Promissory notes
10.   Savings
11.   Currencies
12.   The free market
13.   Monopoly
14.   Risk
15.   European Central Bank
16.   “Banco de España”
17.   The Federal Reserve
18.   Monetary Policy

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