Tuesday, December 18, 2012

CCSS1 Unit 9: Ancient Egypt

Unit 9 Part 4: Egypt: Natural Environment and History p.146
4.1 The Natural Environment
Egypt = -big desert w/ Nile River crossing N to S
            Nile = -flows from Lake Victoria to Med. Sea
                        -big delta at mouth of river
                        -flooded once per year in Ancient times, fertilizing the banks
                        -Ppl. Worhsipped the river b/c it was a source of life + main transport route
            LOWER Egypt = North: delta= flat, marshy area
            UPPER Egypt = South: Nile River Valley = got the Nile’s floods

4.2 The History of Egypt p.147
-3100BC Upper + Lower Egypt united by King Menes
            1. THE OLD KINGDOM = 2700-2200BC
-Time of splendor, Pyramids built by Pharaohs, capital of empire = Memphis
            2. THE MIDDLE KINGDOM = 2052 – 1786BC
-capital moved to Thebes
-territory increased
-1786BC The Hyksos invaded Egypt à moved capital to Avaris (stayed almost 200 years)
            3. THE NEW KINGDOM = 1567 – 1085BC
-Huge prosperity
-capital moved to Thebes
-Pharaohs ruled (ex. Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, Ramses II and III)
            4. THE LATE PERIOD = 1085-30BC
-time of decline
- Egypt disintegrates into small, independent states
-invaded by Ethiopians, Assyrians + Persians
-332BC Alexander the Great conquers Egypt
-Rome rules Egypt after Cleopatra dies

Part 5: Life and Culture in Egypt p.150
5.1 The Economy p.151
-built dams+canals w/Nile water
-cereals (for bread + beer)
-flax (clothing)
-grapes, onions, lentils, peas
-cows, sheep, goats, pigs, ducks, geese, + chickens
-fished from Nile
-pottery, metalwork, jewelry+ fabric making
-w/Mesopotamia, Greece etc.
-sold agricultural produce + craftwork
-bought wood, metals + slaves

5.2 Society p.152
1. PHARAOH + his family
- king/god
-owned all land + ppl.
-held absolute power
-vizier (head of public of public administration)
-important public servants ex. provincial governors, military commanders, treasurers + scribes
-craft workers
-worked in mines
-did domestic chores

Role of Women:
-They had greater freedom than in other civilizations.
-could walk the streets freely
-could own property w/their husbands
-had same legal rights as men

5.3 Religion
-polytheists (believed in many gods)
-zoomorphic gods (w/ human + animal aspects)
-believed in life after death à mummified dead

5.4 Arts and Sciences
-written texts preserved on papyrus (plant) + inscribed on temple/tomb walls
- ex. The Book of the Dead (religious)
-Understood basic math à could calculate volumes of cylinders + pyramids
-Advanced medicine à performed surgeries, understood fractures + other problems

5.5 Architecture + Art p.153

-colossal constructions
-dressed stones + columns
            -religious buildings, dedicated to gods, where priests lived
            -rock temples (ex: Abu Simbel temples)
            -parts: shrine, open courtyard, avenue lined with stone sphinxes (p.153)
-for pharaohs + important public servants
-flat topped pyramids
                        -tombs for the pharaoh and his family
                        -formed a labyrinth of rooms/passageways
                        -corpse surrounded by treasure
            -Hypogea (1 hypogeum)
                        -underground tombs carved out of rock
                        -had various passageways leading to funerary chamber of pharaoh

            -for religious + funerary purposes
            -pharaoh + family w/ idealized depiction: young + big
            -faces static, inexpressive, looking straight ahead
            -depictions of nobles/civil servants more realistic
            -small statues of wood or clay depicting agricultural tasks + crafts
            -reliefs in wood + stone

            -used to worship the gods + for decoration
1. Tempera: pain diluted w/egg yolk or glue
2. fresco: paint dissolved in water + applied to a wet plaster wall
            -subjects of paintings gods + humans
            -more important figures depicted as larger

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