Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CCSS3 Unit 3: Population

CCSS3 Unit 3: Population 
Part 1: Evolution + Distribution of Global Population p.46

-World pop. = 6 Billion (6,000,000,000); est. 12 Billion by year 2100
-Population growth varied:
1. Slow til 19th century
2. Faster after 19th c. b/c of sanitation/healthcare
3. Post mid-20th c. lower in richer countries, still high in poor countries

-Population Density= relationship between population + size of place
- divide # of inhabitants by total land area: express as inhabitants/km2
-uneven b/c of:
1.physical factors
            2. human factors
                        -job opportunities
                        -politcal (in)stability

Part 2: Natural Population Change p.48
can increase/decrease in pop. b/c of biological factors (birth, death)
1. Natality: Birth rate
BR = (births / total population) x 1000

            -divide total births in area per year by total population; multiply by 1000
            -expressed as per thousand
2. Mortality: Death rate
DR = (deaths / total population) x 1000

-       same as birthrate, but with deaths
-       expressed as per thousand
3. Natural Increase (NI) = number of births minus number of deaths
Ex: in the U.S.A in 2008 4,248,000 babies were born and 2,473,000 people died, so:
NI = 4,248,000 – 2,473,000 = 1,775,000

4.Rate of Natural Increase (RNI) = the rate at which the population is growing (expressed as a percent)
You can find it 2 different ways:
RNI = (BR-DR)/10
RNI = ((#of births - # of deaths)/ total population) x 1000

Part 3: Population Movement p.50

Regular Population Movements
            1. Commuting – for work/study
            2. Free time/Leisure – holidays
Migration – change residence + job
            -internal = same country
-external = another one
-emigration (from)
-immigration (t0)

Part 4: Population Structure
-Classifying populations based on:
            AGE: 3 age groups:
                        -young (0-14)
                        -adults (15-64)
                        -elderly (65+)
            SEX: more boys born but girls live longer
            ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: distinguish between:
                        -active population: ppl. of working age, employed + unemployed
                        -inactive population: ppl. who can’t work (minors, retired) or those not looking for jobs (stay-at-home parents)

Part 5: The Population of Spain p.52
-46million + people
-average pop. density = 91.22 ppl/km2

5.1 Population Distribution
-Pop. = unevenly distributed across Spain:

1. Densely populated areas:
-Iberian Penn. Periphery
-both archipelagos
-Provinces w/ 350+ ppl/km2:

2. Low density areas:
-interior of Peninsula
-Provinces w/ lowest pop.density (<10 ppl/km2):

3. Within provinces:
-higher density in capitals/important cities
-mountain/farmland/weak economic areas = almost uninhabited

5.2 Natural Population Change p.53

  1. Birth Rate (Natality) = # of births in a population over a year (expressed out of 1000)
BR = (births / total population) x 1000
  1. Death Rate (Mortality) = # of deaths in the population over a year (expressed out of 1000)
DR = (deaths / total population) x 1000
  1. Natural Increase = # of births minus the # of deaths (expressed as a percent)
NI = ((BR – DR)/ total population) x 100

-Post 1980 drop in BR (9.1% 1998) b/c of:
            -Ppl. marrying later
            -women working
            -single person homes + single parents have increased
-Post 2000 BR has increased (now 11.38%) b/c of:
-DR low (8.47%)
-Infant Mortality Rate low (3.54%)
1980: .75%
1998: .01%
1999- started to rise b/c of rising BR
today: very low = .29%

5.3 Migration p.54
Internal Migration in Spain
1. Rural exodus is at a minimum
2. lots of ppl. have moved to satellite towns outside big cities
3. Retirees gone to coast
Foreign Immigrants
-High in number
-European: Romania, Bulgaria
-Africa: Morocco, Algeria
-go to Cataluña, Comunidad de Madrid, Comunitat Valenciana, Andalucía + Illes Balears

5.4 Population Structure
-by sex : normal
-by age: aging (elderly increasing)
-labor force: 59.8%
-unemployment: very high (esp. women + young ppl.)

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