Wednesday, October 8, 2014

CCSS2 Questions p.74-75

1. How was the territory divided in the Carolingian Empire?
2. What were counties?
3. What were counts?
4. What were counts in charge of?
5. What were marches?
6. What were marquises?
7. What were marquises in charge of?
8. Why was the position of palace inspector created?
9. Who were the missi dominici?
10. What did they do?
11. What was the main economic activity in the Carolingian Empire?
12. To whom did the large estates belong?
13. What does it mean that they were self-sufficient?
14. Was trade important in the Carolingian Empire?
15. What does it mean that society was organized hierarchically?
16. Who was at the top of society?
17. Who was at the bottom of society?
18.  Explain the manorial system.
19. What did the manorial system give rise to?

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