Friday, October 3, 2014

CCSS2 Film: The Dark Ages – The History Channel QUESTIONS

Film: The Dark Ages – The History Channel



Part 1 “The Dark Ages”:(min.0- 13:30)
1. Who led the sack of Rome in 410 A.D.? What were the people called?
2. What was Aleric’s strategy against Rome?
3. Why did Aleric and his men leave Rome after 3 days?
4. What happened to the nearly two dozen people who became Roman Emperors in a fifty year period during the 3rd century?
5. How were Goths who were absorbed into the Roman Empire treated by the Romans?
6. What happened to the Roman ruins during the Dark Ages?
7. Why was this time called the Dark Ages?
8. What was the one unifying force in Dark Ages Europe?

Part 2 “The Byzantine Empire”:(min.23:00 – 41:25) 

1. What did people from the Western Roman Empire think of those from the East?

2. What was the disadvantage to the Western Latin side of the split between East and West in the Roman Empires? 

3.What was the Mediterranean Sea called in Rome’s heyday?

4. What behavior made Justinian unpopular?

5. Who convinced Justinian not to flee during the riot?

6. What part of society did Theodora come from? What was her profession?

7. What is Justinian’s Cathedral called?

8. What killed up to half the Byzantine population in 542 A.D.?

9. How did the plague get to Constantinople?

10. How did Justinian’s personality change after he survived the plague?

11. What happened to the territories that Justinian had conquered when he died?

Part 3(min. 13:30 – 23:00)

1. What did Clovis (Frankish King of Gaul) renounce as he embraced Christianity?

2. What did Roman Emperor Constantine legalize in 313 AD?
3. What was Clovis’ new justification for war?
4. What rank in his army did Clovis give to conquered people? 5. What dynasty did Clovis’ kingdom lay the foundation for?
6. What did Clovis do to relatives outside his household? Why?
7. What was the ordeal by boiling water?

Part 4 (min. 51:30 – 1:09:55)
1. What territory did the Moors cross into in 730? (
2. Who was the commander of the Frankish army?
3. Did Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi think highly of the Franks’ military power?
4. How long did the armies stay firm, each waiting for the other to make the first move?
5.  What did the Frankish soldiers get from the Moorish camps?
6. Where did the Moors retreat to?
7. Who was Charles Martel’s grandfather (also known as the father of Europe)?
8.  Was the Holy Roman Empire the same as the Western Roman Empire?
9. Who did Charlemagne have to share power with?
10. Was Charlemagne responsible for his brother’s death?
11. Why did Charlemagne condemn 4,500 Saxon tribal leaders to death in Germany?
12. What did the massacre become known as?
13. How many counties did Charlemagne divide his land into?
14. What did Charlemagne study to try to learn to do?
15. How many children did Charlemagne have?
16. Was the fact that Charlemagne had many wives and mistresses extraordinary at that time in history?
17. Who was Charlemagne’s enemy in the last years of his reign?

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