Friday, October 10, 2014

CCSS3 Project on Unit 10: Conceptual Maps

The project has two components: a book of conceptual maps (done as a group) and the presentation and explanation of the concepts represented (done individually). 

First Component: Conceptual Maps: Working in groups of four, you will have to visually represent the concepts we have discussed in Unit 10: Political Organization and the State.  Create a separate conceptual map to represent each of the concepts below. Please present your work on A4 sized (normal) paper. You may not include any written words.  All concepts must be represented by symbols, photos or images of some kind.  

Second Component: Individual Presentations: Each student will have to be prepared to explain all the concepts represented, although in reality he will only present one.  On the due date of the project, I will choose which student explains which conceptual map.  The student will have a maximum of two minutes to present.

1. The characteristics of democratic states (including the difference between republics and parliamentary monarchies).
2. The division of powers in Spain
3. How laws are passed in Spain
4. The Congress of Deputies
5. The Senate
6. The Government (Executive Power)

Grading: Each of the two components will account for 50% of the mark for this task.  In other words, the mark will be the average of the group grade and the individual grade.

Group Grade: The Conceptual maps: You will be evaluated on two aspects: clarity and creativity.  Adding pretty colors and details is a waste of your time and will not result in a higher mark. “Clarity” means that the work is coherent and easy to understand. “Creativity” means that your project stands out from the other groups’ in some way. You will have two class hours to work on it and the group’s behavior will be a factor in this part of the mark.

Individual Grade:  You will have to explain what each image stands for and how they fit together. You will be evaluated on knowing the concepts and expressing yourself coherently and correctly.  I suggest you practice explaining each one. You will not be allowed to exceed the 2 minute time limit.

Due date: 
3ºB: Monday, October 20th
3ºA Tuesday, October 21st
3ºC Wednesday, October 22nd

No late projects will be accepted. The mark will be a “0”. 

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