Wednesday, October 8, 2014

CCSS3: LEGISLATIVE POWER: Congress of Deputies (The Lower House)

-300-400 members (currently 350)
-Elected every 4 years in general elections or whenever parliament is dissolved.
-Elected using a mathematical proportional representation formula.
-Passes  laws
-Approves general State budgets
-Controlls government action by asking for explanations or presenting a motion of censure to vote out the PM.

It has 350 members, elected by popular vote on closed party lists by proportional representation in electoral districts matching the Spanish provinces using the D'Hondt method.

Each province is considered an electoral district and each is guaranteed at least 2 seats.  Ceuta and Melilla each get one.  This accounts for 102 seats, ranging from 36 in Madrid to 2 in Soria. After the vote, seats are assigned based on the outcome using the D’Hondt System, a mathematical formula of proportional representation.

Political Role:

1.The Congress accepts or rejects the Prime Minister, proposed by the King with an absolute majority vote (or, after 48 hours, with a simple majority).

2.The Congress of Deputies can present a “moción de censura” or reject a “cuestión de confianza,” obligating the Prime Minister to step down.
(Note: “moción de censura” is when 1/10 of the Congress of Deputies expresses their lack of confidence in the PM and presents an alternate candidate.  If an absolute majority votes in favor, the PM must step down and the new candidate takes his place.  The “cuestión de confianza” comes from the PM himself when he wants to confirm that he has support of the Congress of Deputies.  If he does not attain the majority vote, he must call snap (early) elections.).

3. The Government (by custom, not law) presents a state of the nation speech, where the PM talks about how things are going in the country and representatives from the party groups have the chance to respond and ask questions.

Legislative Function
1.It can initiate legislation or receive the initiative from the Government, the Autonomous Communities or citizens.
2. It can make amendments to all types of initiatives.
3. It can override the amendments or veto of the Senate on legislative initiatives.

Current Composition

Comprehension Questions:

1. How often are deputies elected?
2. Explain the election process.
3. Explain what happens with  a “moción de censura.”
4. What is a “cuestión de confianza”?  What is the Congress of Deputies role in it?

5. Which is more powerful: the Senate or the Congress of Deputies?

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